Mountain Yoga family, in collaboration with Your Yoga, please join us THIS SUNDAY, April 24th in honor of the Earth and in celebration of renewal and community!

Please head over to Your Yoga’s Event page to sign up. Spaces are limited. We cannot wait to see you!

With so much love,

The Mountain Yoga Kula

Self Transformation.

Less is More -


Yoga is a process of self-transformation. It is embodied self-inquiry that brings together mind, body, heart, and spirit in a focused manner. The postures we take in a yoga practice are not the end goals of yoga; every shape we make and every breath we take is an opportunity to realize what is actually true instead of what we have believed to be true.


Mountain Yoga is an earthy, friendly and unassuming space, dedicated to healing and transformation. As the studio continues to evolve, we’ll keep practicing sharing from our heart and aspiring to bring community together and give back.

The gift you offer another person is just your being.

- Ram Dass