
Colleen’s yoga journey started in 2005 with a few classes when in college. Although she didn’t fully connect with the practice until working a few years into corporate life, in her mid- twenties.  Sore from sitting all day (duh!) and developing upper back and neck problems, she went to her gym’s yoga help alleviate the pain. She was quickly drawn to power yoga leaving her gym membership behind. Her practice continued when she moved to Boston from Santa Cruz, joining a yoga studio down the street from her apartment in Brookline.  She was hooked; going almost every day, attending a variety of genres of yoga classes.  As her practice deepened and internal awareness grew, she was drawn mainly to slow flow vinyasa.  She loves all kinds of yoga, though, and especially enjoys shifting her personal practice to the energy needed in that moment. She’s all about riding that wave! After 10 years working in a corporate setting, life took a turn and Colleen took off to The Thai Islands and spent a month at The Sanctuary, Koh Phangan, attending a 200-hour yoga training with Swara Yoga School. The rest is yogic history. Colleen’s classes are geared towards student self-awareness using breath to invigorate physical movement, relaxing the mind, most of all – enjoying the process of it all! Life’s too short to not have fun doing yoga. Colleen moved to Bozeman in October 2018 and when she’s not on the mat with her newfound yoga posse, you can find her running her own E-commerce Consulting Business, climbing, hiking up mountains, learning how to ski, reminiscing about sailing, serenading her friends by way of her guitar, and finding water... whether it be a hike or a flight away


